Sunday, October 5, 2008

Thing # 16

I tried both iGoogle and Netvibes as homepages. I preferred iGoogle to Netvibes, although both were fairly easy to set up. Netvibes' layout just did not appeal to me when I finally got my homepage set up. iGoogle's layout was much easier to figure out and seemed to actually have what I had asked for whereas Netvibes had stuff on it that I did not ask for when I was setting it up. I liked the iGoogle page so much that I have added it to my homepage tabs on Internet Explorer. I also tried the site Ta-Da Lists to create a to do list. Although this site was very easy to use, I just do not see much use for it as an online tool. I would prefer to use an online calendar in a classroom setting to let students know what needs to be done and when. Also, a to do list can either be written out or typed in Zoho or another word processor very easily so it would seem a bit redundant to have a separate program/account to just create to do lists. Another site that I thought could be very useful to online learning is Zamzar. This site allows you to convert files from one type to another. This would be extremely useful if someone was trying to share information with another student but they had two different software programs. The students could send the file via email and convert it to whatever fit their needs and vice versa. There have been times I needed this for myself. I wish I had known about this site!

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