Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thing # 19

I liked TeacherPop a lot. I think communities like this are helpful to people who are looking for others who share interests in the same things. I think my niece had signed me up for Flixster a few months ago, but I never have time to check it out. A lot of the networks that are listed look interesting and I would live to join the communities. However, I need to have more time on my hands than I do now. :) Between work, school, and parenting I barely have time to sleep! I think that networks that are limited to certain people, such as TeacherPop, could be used in the classroom to introduce students to new topics or to other students who have common interests. Although I would be very cautious when using any social network with students. I believe that there are better ways to enhance a students learning experience and introduce them to others than social networking sites. A teacher could easily use a blog to begin outside discussion on a topic and since you can add pictures, videos, etc. to a blog just like you can on a networking site, I think a blog is just as good and you have more control over who uses it and who has access to your students.

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